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This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Costs and Disclosures:
The costs that an eligible provider (EP) will incur related to implementing GEMMS ONE EHR v7.7C in order for the EP to use the product to the fullest.

License-based solution: GEMMS offers a license-based solution for a one-time software license fee per seat, with additional fees for implementation. Additionally, there is a supplemental monthly support and maintenance cost calculated based on a percentage of the value of the software. Implementation costs do not include travel and airfare costs, which are billed separately.

Capability Capability Description of Capability Cost or Fees Contractual Technical or Practical
eRx and EPCS Services e Prescribing This module allows the physician to e prescribe both non controlled and controlled prescriptions electronically according to Government regulations This certified product-version requires on-going subscription costs to send electronic prescriptions, execute drug/drug and drug/allergy interaction, and maintain prescription drug lists. This is regarding criteria 170.315(b)(3) – Electronic Prescribing.

For customers interested in electronic prescribing of controlled substances (EPCS), identity-proofing (IDP) needs to be completed. There is a one-time implementation fee to complete the IDP and registration, as well as a monthly subscription fee per provider.
Practices will be required to sign agreements with MedInformatix and NewCrop,Inc for e prescribing services. This service requires the practice to have Internet Connectivity capable of handling the eRx Transactions and in the case of ECPS the ability for a second validation code provided by Verizon.
Clinical Decision Support Clinical Decision Support Requirement This module allows patient information to be securely uploaded to a third party for evaluation and for the necessary recommendations and links to qualified research studies to be downloaded to the Physician for review and storage. There is a monthly subscription fee for this service. The fees for this service are based on a flat per Physician Fee Per Month. All fees are paid to GEMMS for these services. Practices will be required to sign agreements with Persivia Analytics for this service. This service requires the practice to have Internet Connectivity capable of handling these CDS Transactions.
Direct Messaging This assists the EP to meet the secure message transmission requirement. This module is again tied to a third party vendor who is a national trust organization and provides Direct Messaging services and holds the certificates needed to engage in Direct Messaging.

There is a flat monthly subscription fee for this service. The fees for this service are based on a per Direct Message Provider Per Month Fee. All subscription fees are paid direct to GEMMS for this service.

This certified product-version may require an initial interface set-up cost and on-going maintenance and support costs to connect via Direct Mail. For the EP to use the Direct Mail application, the EP must subscribe to Direct Mail services, provided by a single vendor, Updox. This is regarding criteria 170.315(b)(1) – Transitions of care and View, Download, and Transmit to 3rd Party (§ 170.315(e)(1))

Practice will not be required to sign an Agreement however, GEMMS currently has an Agreement with Updox for this service and the practice will be required to utilize this service to meet the direct messaging requirement. Updox belongs to a National Direct Messaging Trust with a robust directory of Direct Emails trusted and they are adding new ones every day. If a practice needs to exchange with a person or entity that is not part of this trust, Updox will make every effort to certify and to exchange Certificates so that a trusted connection can be achieved in those rare cases Clinical Exchange cannot take place successfully until a trust between parties can be established. This service requires the practice to have Internet Connectivity capable of handling these Direct Messaging Transactions
Patient Portal Allows for 24/7 Accessibility by the Patient to their Patient Health Information This is a web based application that allows the patient to access their medical records and Patient Health Information at any time in a secure manner and allows them to view, download or send that information to others.

GEMMS has two approaches to the patient portal. We license the Application and the Customer Manages it or GEMMS will host the Patient Portal for the Customer at its secure datacenter and manage the portal for the practice. The Fees for this service depend on where the Portal is housed. If GEMMS hosts the portal for the Practice Fees are based on a fixed Per Physician Per month charge. If the Practice hosts its own portal it is based on License Fee and Monthly support Fee. All fees are paid direct to GEMMS for portal services.

For the EP to use the Direct Mail application, the EP must subscribe to Direct Mail services, provided by a single vendor, Updox. This is regarding criteria 170.315(b)(1) – Transitions of care and View, Download, and Transmit to 3rd Party (§ 170.315(e)(1))

There is a Service Agreement that is required between the practice and GEMMS for this service. For practices who host the Patient Portal they are required to provide the Web Server and Digital Security Certification and they must have Interned capability to handle the patient volume of access to their server. If GEMMS hosts the server, the practice must have the bandwidth capacity to mamage the Internet traffic between the GEMMS data center and the practice GEMMS medical information server.
Problem List/Diagnosis lists Intelligent Medical Objects Managing medical vocabularies This certified product-version may require on-going subscription costs to access Intelligent Medical Object (IMO) language clinical repository. This is regarding criteria 170.315(a)(6) – Problem List. There is a Service Agreement that is required between the practice and GEMMS for this service. This service requires the practice to have Internet Connectivity capable of handling medical vocabularies transactions.

Additional Information

There are no known additional contractual or technical issues that a user may encounter in the course of implementing and using GEMMS ONE EHR’s capabilities. There may be additional agreements and associated costs that an EP must enter into with a third-party vendor (such as a clearinghouse, lab company, etc.), depending on the customer’s needs. Depending on the customer’s needs, there may be costs for any additional services outside the standard agreement (such as additional implementation services, database analysis services, additional training services, or custom program modifications). To view the listing from the Certified Health IT Product List, please visit the ONC CHPL website & search for GEMMS under the EHR certifications.

Compliance Certificate GEMMS ONE V7.8C 050324

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