Practice Management

We care for your practice, while you care for your patients. Our additional resource tools can help you identify trends and opportunities to maximize the reimbursement and activities associated in an ever-changing environment of Revenue Cycle Management.

Man and woman doctors working together in a medical office
Man and woman doctors working together in a medical office
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Practice Management Tools For Cardiology Practices

Our practice management tools ensure you maximize revenue while managing the following:

  • Appropriate Use Criteria (AUC) – GEMMS ONE incorporates this CMS regulatory requirement through the integrated AUC orders module.
  • Staff Auditing and Production Report – Auditing process that identifies staff productivity and quality standards.
  • Patient Eligibility Management – GEMMS can manage your patient eligibility verification responses received from Waystar. This includes processing a batch eligibility file daily and importing the results into GEMMS.
  • Claims Denial Management – Includes denials received via errors in Waystar as well as rejection received in remittance or explanation of benefits.
  • Credit Balance Accounts – Delivering numerous benefits on how to handle credit balances and provide a go-forwarded management in the future.
  • Electronic Patient Statement Processing – GEMMS will process your statement and provide weekly or monthly reports.
  • Accounts Receivable Report Cards – In depth analysis of your accounting receivable base upon MGMA standards.
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GEMMS ONE is your complete EHR solution.

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